Sunnybabies Xmas Party - Letters to Santa
Sunnybabies Xmas Party. Kids wrote some letters to Santa and put them in a Mailbox I made from a cardboard box wrapped in Vinyl. Used the cricut to give it some extra magic details.
Sunnybabies Xmas Party. Kids wrote some letters to Santa and put them in a Mailbox I made from a cardboard box wrapped in Vinyl. Used the cricut to give it some extra magic details.
Thank you to 34th Avenue Open Streets for having me as a guest instructor for craft-time. As always, I was blown away by all the unique designs from the kids/teens (and adults too).
For actual Halloween I made my son a 7 Train costume. He loves the train just as much as Mommy who dressed up as a “Subway” rat (and so did Daddy)
4th Annual Sunnybabies Halloween Party. We decorated some pumpkins, wrapped a few mummies and even made a spider or two. We came as a “CONFECTIONARY FAMILY”
A special Sunnybabies event to swap books and talk about Early Childhood 3K & PreK. Also the beginning of my journey into educational activism in NYC.
Had a blast volunteering for two Art Nights at P.S. 199 for grades PreK-2nd & 3rd-5th. I shared an original story about the 7 Train. I was so impressed that the kids knew all the stops. We then crafted subway cars! Every design was so unique and original.
I dusted off the fairy wings to volunteer at a craft table for Sunnyside Community Services’ fundraiser for victims of a local fire.
3rd Annual Sunnybabies Halloween Party. Made a Peek-A-Boo Haunted House with our little monsters in it. We came as “COUNT Dracula”, the “Mummy MOMMY” and “The Big DAD Wolf”
Halloween crafting session at P.S. 199. The weather was rainy but the kids had tons of fun making their Silly Spiders.
A Sunnybabies collective birthday party to celebrate our 2 year old toddlers. They were truly Born 2 Be Wild. Made some fun animal decorations using paper plates and cardstock.
Celebrating Valentine’s Day with Sunnybabies at P.S. 343. We made “I Love You To Pieces” and “Luv Bug” Crafts.
Another baby finger painting session at Sunnyside Arts. This time we used painters tape to make our first initials.
2nd Annual Sunnybabies Halloween Party. Made some giant candies and chased our little Pikachu around.
Getting our little hands messy with some finger paints. Thank you to Sunnyside Arts for hosting.
1st Annual Sunnybabies Halloween Party. This was the very first community event we attended with our at the time 6 WEEK old baby. I made us some “Crayon” hats. GREEN being a mix between Daddy BLUE and Mommy YELLOW.
I got to attend the #inktoberNYC party and meet the amazing Jake Parker (founder of the Inktober challenge) along with many other super talented artists and ink enthusiasts. It was so much fun and I even got an incredible bag of swag filled with goodies from ArtSnacks, Pentel and more.
“Every October, artists all over the world take on the Inktober drawing challenge by doing one ink drawing a day the entire month.”
This year I completed the “Half Marathon” a drawing completed every other day. Here is my work:
Over 90 artists produced artwork on skateboard decks to raise money for the Greenwood Lake Skate Park and I got to be one of those artists. Check out my design “Greenwood Lake Day & Night”.
Warwick Playground Dreams is a community project spearheaded by volunteers to rejuvenate the aging playground in Stanley Deming Park located in the town of Warwick, New York. I helped design and paint a tactile mural for the toddler “Tot Lot” storefronts. Me and a team of local artists worked through rain, cold and mud to bring the mural to life.